Dec 7, 2006


Desert Island Books revision 102By AnonymousThe Quran; The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy ("a trilogy in five parts") - Douglas Adams; Still Life with Woodpecker - Tom Robbins; The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown; All the King's Men; Lord of the Rings(the trilogy) ...Book Lust with Nancy Pearl -... -

wicked eastern reading clubBy julieskinny legs and all. not finished with this one yet. i liked jitterbug perfume so so much better in the magical realism tom robbins vein. but there is something dreamy about a dirty sock, can o’ beans, shell, and a stick traveling ...spatial analysis 06' -

PublicWhen I lived in Portland, I read books by authors such as Chuck Palaniuk. Since moving to Seattle, I have read a few books by Tom Robbins. Something can be said for reading lines written a...Sally - MySpace Blog -

A Couple of DaysBy Jae... government conspiracies, and the impact of language on society. If you like Tom Robbins, Christopher Moore, or Matt Ruff, you would probably like this book. My recommendation: Read this book while dancing at the edge of apocalypse.The Unofficial Book Club Blotter -