Dec 5, 2006

Blogs of the Bougainville

Does Anyone Still Read Richard Brautigan?By RW Like Vonnegut, he affected a sort of laid-back, dry, deadpan charm, along with the easily digestible whimsy of a harmless pothead -- kind of a forerunner to Tom Robbins. His books had titles like Trout Fishing in America, ...Rodney Welch: The Blog -

Does Anyone Still Read Richard Brautigan?By RW Like Vonnegut, he affected a sort of laid-back, dry, deadpan charm, along with the easily digestible whimsy of a harmless pothead -- kind of a forerunner to Tom Robbins. His books had titles like Trout Fishing in America, ...

Rodney Welch: The Blog -

of the genius waitress, tom robbins now sings...Of the genius waitress, I now sing. Of hidden knowledge, buried ambition, and secretsonnets scribbled on cocktail napkins; of achingarches, ranting cooks, condescending patrons, and eyesdiverted from ...miss tara - MySpace Blog -

What I’ve Been Reading - November 2006
A few days later, Kerrie and I went to the First Lutheran Church Bazaar, leaving with a handful of books by authors I revered (Ian McEwan, Tom Robbins) and additions to The Essentials collection (Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. ...

Parsimonious NothingsBy Ben Myers(Ben Myers) I, like the good Tom Robbins, prefer awe over swagger. And that is why the memories of Slick Vixen pass quietly through conciousness while the body amuses itself with saying her name. HONEYEDMOUTH TM.THE HONEYED MOUTH -

IS THERE HOPE FOR THOSE SOULS HELD CAPTIVE BY THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT ...By keninny I have always liked Tom Robbins' book Another Roadside Attraction. He addresses the economic and state benefits from religion. If you have not read that book, it is about a guy who finds the body of Jesus Christ in the catacombs of Rome ...